I have always felt things very deeply. Since I can remember I have always been incensed by injustice. My mother told me she got called to school when I was in kindergarten because of my defense of the kindergarten girls. I had karate chopped all the 1st grade boys for picking on us. This brought most of them to tears and me to the principle’s office. My teacher Mrs. Longinmeyer said I always defended the underdog, the one who was being picked on or singled out. This stance comes as natural to me as breathing.
What was in my childhood, didn’t serve me as I grew older. My judgement of peoples action or inaction led to drama. Drama being the story I told myself to keep an emotion going. It kept me spinning In my own mind. Retaliation was never in my mind but rumination absolutely. I could handle the big stuff and would always step up to meet the big challenges. It was the little stuff that made my life in constant turmoil. This constant eruption of drama robbed me of peace, of moving forward and of the experience of connection. If I could look at everyone separate then my experience of authentic love and connection could be a constant search instead of a destination. What I wanted deeply is to reside in a place of peace. A place of peace with myself and the world around me. That doesn’t mean I’m in la la woo woo land. It just means that I’m able to drop the rock. To not become so attached to my thoughts, emotions or events that I lose the sense of who I am. A soul having a human experience.
There are many levels of truth when it comes to the experience of the events of our lives. The first level of human existence is:
a. You did something to me-I’m going to do something to you.
From the standpoint of the limbic brain or the very primal instincts, this is about survival. For as long as people have been on this planet, we have known that instinct. It is from our basic nature, our lower chakras. It is about safety.
b. The second level of the souls evolution is you did something to me-I forgive you.
This is about the heart chakra. Being engaged in a place of love and the ability to have compassion, empathy and mercy.
This is a great practice. Master Choa taught us a technique called the forgiveness technique. Basically it is a salutation from soul to soul. Acknowledging that as we evolve we make mistakes and asking for forgiveness for your part in the situation and forgiving the other person. Asking for their blessing and giving them yours. Then releasing them. It is a beautiful practice. One that I currently use for myself and my clients. There was a man that came to one of our free healing clinics. He walked in with canes and said that he had been to many doctors for his difficulty walking. They could not find any physical reason for his difficulties. MRI’s, steroid injections and physical therapy had not helped. He was unable to work and had gone on disability. During the healing session I kept energetically sensing constriction around his spinal chord. It looked as if a big hand was holding onto and squeezing his spine, cutting off the flow of energy to his legs. When I asked him if there was anyone he was angry with he told me about a friend who owned him $60,000. He was very angry and then started crying. Saying that this had ruined his life and he had nothing good to say about him. I asked him where this person was and he said “dead”. He had died before he could pay him back. The truth came out of my mouth to him that he needed to forgive and let go. With his permission, we did the forgiveness technique. As he asked for forgiveness and forgave his friend and blessed him on his path, slowly the big hand released and the energy of constriction dissipated. The next day he called me and said, I dont’ know what just happened but I can walk again. Amazing forgiveness can do.
c. The third level of truth for the souls evolutions is-“Thank you so much for being the agent to dispel my negative karma”.
This is the Crown Chakra….knowing we are one with all and that there is some divinity to life.
To approach each person with gratitude for what the bring into your life, the lessons learned and the evolution of the soul. Master Stephen Co recently said “Whatever happens to you Good or Bad, the soul uses for it’s evolution” This is truth and a way to transmute life to a place of gratitude and love. Employing this technique has been profoundly healing for my own life. The monkey mind of judgement has relaxed. The neutral conduit of love allows healing energy to come through more profoundly for myself and for others. Love prevails and connection is present. I am in the present moment with a life that is lived fully. Not in the past or in the future. The power now gives us connection to the divine and healing is assured.